
Package Contents


H0Posterior Represents the posterior over H0
BaseGaussianBNNPosterior Abstract base class to represent the Gaussian BNN posterior
DiagonalGaussianBNNPosterior The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix
LowRankGaussianBNNPosterior The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix
DoubleLowRankGaussianBNNPosterior The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix
FullRankGaussianBNNPosterior The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix
DoubleGaussianBNNPosterior The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix


plot_weighted_h0_histogram(all_samples, all_weights, lens_i=0, true_h0=None, include_fit_gaussian=True, save_dir=’.’) Plot the histogram of H0 samples, overlaid with a Gaussian fit and truth H0
plot_h0_histogram(samples, lens_i=0, true_h0=None, include_fit_gaussian=True, save_dir=’.’) Plot the histogram of H0 samples, overlaid with a Gaussian fit and truth H0
plot_D_dt_histogram(all_samples, lens_i=0, true_D_dt=None, save_dir=’.’) Plot the histogram of D_dt samples, overlaid with a Gaussian fit and truth D_dt
plot_mcmc_corner(mcmc_samples, truth, col_labels, save_path)
gaussian(x, mean, standard_deviation, amplitude)
plot_forward_modeling_comparisons(model_plot_instance, out_dir) Plot the data vs. model comparisons using the Lenstronomy modelPlot tool
class h0rton.h0_inference.H0Posterior(H0_prior, kappa_ext_prior, kwargs_model, baobab_time_delays, Om0, define_src_pos_wrt_lens, exclude_vel_disp=True, aniso_param_prior=None, kinematics=None, kappa_transformed=True, kwargs_lens_eqn_solver={})[source]

Represents the posterior over H0

required_params = ['lens_mass_center_x', 'src_light_center_x', 'lens_mass_center_y', 'src_light_center_y', 'lens_mass_gamma', 'lens_mass_theta_E', 'lens_mass_e1', 'lens_mass_e2', 'external_shear_gamma1', 'external_shear_gamma2', 'src_light_R_sersic']
classmethod from_dict(cls, lens_dict)

Initialize H0Posterior from a dictionary

lens_dict : dict
contains properties required to initialize H0Posterior. See __init__ method above for the required parameters and their formats.
set_cosmology_observables(self, z_lens, z_src, measured_td_wrt0, measured_td_err, abcd_ordering_i, true_img_dec, true_img_ra, kappa_ext, measured_vd=None, measured_vd_err=None)

Set the cosmology observables for a given lens system, persistent across all the samples for that system

z_lens : float z_src : float lens_mass_dict : dict

dict of lens mass kwargs
ext_shear_dict : dict
dict of external shear kwargs
ps_dict : dict
dict of point source kwargs
measured_vd : float
measured velocity dispersion
measured_vd_err : float
measurement error of velocity dispersion
lens_light_R_sersic : float
effective radius of lens light in arcsec
measured_td : np.array of shape [n_images,]
the measured time delays in days
measured_td_err : float
the time delay measurement error in days
abcd_ordering_i : np.array of shape [n_images,]
the image ordering followed by measured_td in increasing dec. Example: if the measured_td are [a, b, c, d] and the corresponding image dec are [0.3, -0.1, 0.8, 0.4], then abcd_ordering_i are [1, 0, 3, 2].
true_img_dec : np.array of shape [n_images, ]
dec of the true image positions in arcsec
true_img_ra : np.array of shape [n_images, ]
ra of the true image positions in arcsec

Reorder the measured time delays (same for all lens model samples)


format_lens_model(self, sample)

Set the lens model parameters for a given lens mass model

sample : dict
a sampled set of lens model parameters
get_img_pos(self, ps_dict, kwargs_lens)

Sets the kwargs_ps class attribute as those coresponding to the point source model LENSED_POSITION

ps_dict : dict
point source parameters definitions, either of SOURCE_POSITION or LENSED_POSITION
sample_H0(self, random_state)
sample_kappa_ext_original(self, random_state)
sample_kappa_ext_transformed(self, random_state)
sample_aniso_param(self, random_state)
calculate_offset_from_true_image_positions(self, model_ra, model_dec, true_img_ra, true_img_dec, increasing_dec_i, abcd_ordering_i)

Calculates the difference in arcsec between the (inferred or fed-in) image positions known to H0Posterior and the provided true image positions

true_img_ra : array-like, of length self.n_img
ra of true image positions in TDLMC order
true_img_dec : array-like, of length self.n_img
dec of true image positions in TDLMC order
offset in arcsec for each image
get_h0_sample(self, sampled_lens_model_raw, random_state)

Get MC samples from the H0Posterior

sampled_lens_model_raw : dict
sampled lens model parameters, pre-formatting

random_state : np.random.RandomState object

tuple of floats
the candidate H0 and its weight
set_truth_lens_model(self, sampled_lens_model_raw)
get_h0_sample_truth(self, random_state)

Get MC samples from the H0Posterior

sampled_lens_model_raw : dict
sampled lens model parameters, pre-formatting

random_state : np.random.RandomState object

tuple of floats
the candidate H0 and its weight
chuck_images(self, inferred_td, x_image, y_image)

If the number of predicted images are greater than the measured, choose the images that best correspond to the measured.

class h0rton.h0_inference.BaseGaussianBNNPosterior(Y_dim, device, Y_mean=None, Y_std=None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class to represent the Gaussian BNN posterior

Gaussian posteriors or mixtures thereof with various forms of the covariance matrix inherit from this class.

seed_samples(self, sample_seed)

Seed the sampling for reproducibility

sample_seed : int

sample(self, n_samples, sample_seed=None)

Sample from the Gaussian posterior. Must be overridden by subclasses.

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
sample_seed : int
seed for the samples. Default: None
np.array of shape [n_samples, self.Y_dim]

Get the highest posterior density (HPD) interval

transform_back_mu(self, tensor)

Transform back, i.e. unwhiten, the tensor of central values

tensor : torch.Tensor of shape [batch_size, Y_dim]

torch.tensor of shape [batch_size, Y_dim]
the original tensor
transform_back_logvar(self, logvar)

Transform back, i.e. unwhiten, the tensor of predicted log of the diagonal entries of the cov mat

tensor : torch.Tensor of shape [batch_size, Y_dim]

torch.tensor of shape [batch_size, Y_dim]
the original tensor
transform_back_cov_mat(self, cov_mat)

Transform back, i.e. unwhiten, the tensor of predicted covariance matrix

tensor : torch.Tensor of shape [batch_size, Y_dim, Y_dim]

torch.tensor of shape [batch_size, Y_dim]
the original tensor
unwhiten_back(self, sample)

Scale and shift back to the unwhitened state

pred : torch.Tensor
network prediction of shape [batch_size, n_samples, self.Y_dim]
the unwhitened pred
sample_low_rank(self, n_samples, mu, logvar, F)

Sample from a single Gaussian posterior with a full but low-rank plus diagonal covariance matrix

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
mu : torch.Tensor of shape [self.batch_size, self.Y_dim]
network prediction of the mu (mean parameter) of the BNN posterior
logvar : torch.Tensor of shape [self.batch_size, self.Y_dim]
network prediction of the log of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix
F : torch.Tensor of shape [self.batch_size, self.Y_dim, self.rank]
network prediction of the low rank portion of the covariance matrix
np.array of shape [self.batch_size, n_samples, self.Y_dim]
sample_full_rank(self, n_samples, mu, tril_elements, as_numpy=True)

Sample from a single Gaussian posterior with a full-rank covariance matrix

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
mu : torch.Tensor of shape [self.batch_size, self.Y_dim]
network prediction of the mu (mean parameter) of the BNN posterior
tril_elements : torch.Tensor of shape [self.batch_size, tril_len]
network prediction of lower-triangular matrix in the log-Cholesky decomposition of the precision matrix
np.array of shape [self.batch_size, n_samples, self.Y_dim]
class h0rton.h0_inference.DiagonalGaussianBNNPosterior(Y_dim, device, Y_mean=None, Y_std=None)[source]

Bases: h0rton.h0_inference.gaussian_bnn_posterior.BaseGaussianBNNPosterior

The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix

BaseGaussianNLL.__init__ docstring for the parameter description.

set_sliced_pred(self, pred)
sample(self, n_samples, sample_seed)

Sample from a Gaussian posterior with diagonal covariance matrix

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
sample_seed : int
seed for the samples. Default: None
np.array of shape [n_samples, self.Y_dim]

Get the highest posterior density (HPD) interval

class h0rton.h0_inference.LowRankGaussianBNNPosterior(Y_dim, device, Y_mean=None, Y_std=None)[source]

Bases: h0rton.h0_inference.gaussian_bnn_posterior.BaseGaussianBNNPosterior

The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix

BaseGaussianNLL.__init__ docstring for the parameter description.

set_sliced_pred(self, pred)
sample(self, n_samples, sample_seed)

Sample from the Gaussian posterior. Must be overridden by subclasses.

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
sample_seed : int
seed for the samples. Default: None
np.array of shape [n_samples, self.Y_dim]

Get the highest posterior density (HPD) interval

class h0rton.h0_inference.DoubleLowRankGaussianBNNPosterior(Y_dim, device, Y_mean=None, Y_std=None)[source]

Bases: h0rton.h0_inference.gaussian_bnn_posterior.BaseGaussianBNNPosterior

The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix

BaseGaussianNLL.__init__ docstring for the parameter description.

set_sliced_pred(self, pred)
sample(self, n_samples, sample_seed)

Sample from a mixture of two Gaussians, each with a full but constrained as low-rank plus diagonal covariance

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
sample_seed : int
seed for the samples. Default: None
np.array of shape [self.batch_size, n_samples, self.Y_dim]

Get the highest posterior density (HPD) interval

class h0rton.h0_inference.FullRankGaussianBNNPosterior(Y_dim, device, Y_mean=None, Y_std=None)[source]

Bases: h0rton.h0_inference.gaussian_bnn_posterior.BaseGaussianBNNPosterior

The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix

BaseGaussianNLL.__init__ docstring for the parameter description.

set_sliced_pred(self, pred)
sample(self, n_samples, sample_seed)

Sample from the Gaussian posterior. Must be overridden by subclasses.

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
sample_seed : int
seed for the samples. Default: None
np.array of shape [n_samples, self.Y_dim]

Get the highest posterior density (HPD) interval

class h0rton.h0_inference.DoubleGaussianBNNPosterior(Y_dim, device, Y_mean=None, Y_std=None)[source]

Bases: h0rton.h0_inference.gaussian_bnn_posterior.BaseGaussianBNNPosterior

The negative log likelihood (NLL) for a single Gaussian with diagonal covariance matrix

BaseGaussianNLL.__init__ docstring for the parameter description.

set_sliced_pred(self, pred)
sample(self, n_samples, sample_seed)

Sample from a mixture of two Gaussians, each with a full but constrained as low-rank plus diagonal covariance

n_samples : int
how many samples to obtain
sample_seed : int
seed for the samples. Default: None
np.array of shape [self.batch_size, n_samples, self.Y_dim]

Get the highest posterior density (HPD) interval

h0rton.h0_inference.plot_weighted_h0_histogram(all_samples, all_weights, lens_i=0, true_h0=None, include_fit_gaussian=True, save_dir='.')[source]

Plot the histogram of H0 samples, overlaid with a Gaussian fit and truth H0

all_samples : np.array
H0 samples
all_weights : np.array
H0 weights corresponding to all_samples, possibly including nan values
h0rton.h0_inference.plot_h0_histogram(samples, lens_i=0, true_h0=None, include_fit_gaussian=True, save_dir='.')[source]

Plot the histogram of H0 samples, overlaid with a Gaussian fit and truth H0

all_samples : np.array
H0 samples
all_weights : np.array
H0 weights corresponding to all_samples, possibly including nan values
h0rton.h0_inference.plot_D_dt_histogram(all_samples, lens_i=0, true_D_dt=None, save_dir='.')[source]

Plot the histogram of D_dt samples, overlaid with a Gaussian fit and truth D_dt

all_samples : np.array
D_dt MCMC samples
h0rton.h0_inference.plot_mcmc_corner(mcmc_samples, truth, col_labels, save_path)[source]
h0rton.h0_inference.gaussian(x, mean, standard_deviation, amplitude)[source]
h0rton.h0_inference.plot_forward_modeling_comparisons(model_plot_instance, out_dir)[source]

Plot the data vs. model comparisons using the Lenstronomy modelPlot tool

model_plot_instance : lenstronomy.Plots.model_plot.ModelPlot object out_dir : directory in which the plots will be saved