
Module Contents


CosmoConverter Convert the time-delay distance to H0 and vice versa


gaussian_ll_pdf(x, mu, sigma) Evaluates the (unnormalized) log of the normal PDF at point x
reorder_to_tdlmc(img_array, increasing_dec_i, abcd_ordering_i) Apply the permutation scheme for reordering the list of ra, dec, and time delays to conform to the order in the TDLMC challenge
pred_to_natural_gaussian(pred_mu, pred_cov_mat, shift, scale) Convert the BNN-predicted multivariate Gaussian parameters into the natural space counterparts by reverse transformation
get_lognormal_stats(all_samples) Compute lognormal stats robustly, using median stats, assuming the samples are drawn from a lognormal distribution
get_lognormal_stats_naive(all_samples, all_weights=None) Compute lognormal stats assuming the samples are drawn from a lognormal distribution
get_normal_stats_naive(all_samples, all_weights)
remove_outliers_from_lognormal(data, level=3) Remove extreme outliers corresponding to level-STD away from the mean
combine_lenses(likelihood_type, z_lens, z_src, true_Om0, samples_save_path=None, corner_save_path=None, n_run=100, n_burn=400, n_walkers=10, **posterior_parameters) Combine lenses in the D_dt space
h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.gaussian_ll_pdf(x, mu, sigma)[source]

Evaluates the (unnormalized) log of the normal PDF at point x

x : float or array-like
point at which to evaluate the log pdf
mu : float or array-like
mean of the normal on a linear scale
sigma : float or array-like
standard deviation of the normal on a linear scale
h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.reorder_to_tdlmc(img_array, increasing_dec_i, abcd_ordering_i)[source]

Apply the permutation scheme for reordering the list of ra, dec, and time delays to conform to the order in the TDLMC challenge

img_array : array-like
array of properties corresponding to the AGN images
img_array reordered to the TDLMC order
h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.pred_to_natural_gaussian(pred_mu, pred_cov_mat, shift, scale)[source]

Convert the BNN-predicted multivariate Gaussian parameters into the natural space counterparts by reverse transformation

pred_mu : np.array of shape [Y_dim,] pred_cov_mat : np.array of shape [Y_dim, Y_dim] scale : np.array of shape [Y_dim,]

vector by which the features were scaled, e.g. the training-set feature standard deviations
shift : np.array of shape [Y_dim,]
vector by which the features were shifted, e.g. the training-set feature means

Derive it or go here: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/332441/affine-transformation-applied-to-a-multivariate-gaussian-random-variable-what

mu : np.array of shape [Y_dim,]
mu in natural space
cov_mat : np.array of shape [Y_dim, Y_dim]
covariance matrix in natural space
class h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.CosmoConverter(z_lens, z_src, H0=70.0, Om0=0.3)[source]

Convert the time-delay distance to H0 and vice versa

This was modified from lenstronomy.Cosmo.cosmo_solver to handle array types.

get_H0(self, D_dt)[source]
get_D_dt(self, H0)[source]

Compute lognormal stats robustly, using median stats, assuming the samples are drawn from a lognormal distribution

h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.get_lognormal_stats_naive(all_samples, all_weights=None)[source]

Compute lognormal stats assuming the samples are drawn from a lognormal distribution

h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.get_normal_stats_naive(all_samples, all_weights)[source]
h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.remove_outliers_from_lognormal(data, level=3)[source]

Remove extreme outliers corresponding to level-STD away from the mean

data : np.array
data expected to follow a lognormal distribution
h0rton.h0_inference.h0_utils.combine_lenses(likelihood_type, z_lens, z_src, true_Om0, samples_save_path=None, corner_save_path=None, n_run=100, n_burn=400, n_walkers=10, **posterior_parameters)[source]

Combine lenses in the D_dt space

true_Om0 : float
true Om0, not inferred
likelihood_type : str
‘DdtGaussian’, ‘DdtLogNorm’, ‘DdtHistKDE’ supported. ‘DdtGaussian’ must have ‘ddt_mean’, ‘ddt_sigma’. ‘DdtLogNorm’ must have ‘ddt_mu’ and ‘ddt_sigma’. ‘DdtHistKDE’ must have ‘lens_ids’ and ‘samples_dir’.