
Generating a cosmological summary of the H0 or D_dt H0_samples


To run this script, pass in the version ID and the sampling method as the argument:

$ python summarize.py 21 simple_mc_default

The summary will be saved to the same directory level as the sample directory.

Module Contents


parse_args() Parse command-line arguments
summarize_simple_mc_default(samples_dir, test_cfg) Summarize the output of simple_mc_default, i.e. the uniform H0 samples with corresponding weights
summarize_mcmc(samples_dir, test_cfg, sampling_method, rung_idx) Summarize the output of mcmc_default, i.e. MCMC samples from the D_dt posterior for each lens

Parse command-line arguments

h0rton.summarize.summarize_simple_mc_default(samples_dir, test_cfg)[source]

Summarize the output of simple_mc_default, i.e. the uniform H0 samples with corresponding weights

h0rton.summarize.summarize_mcmc(samples_dir, test_cfg, sampling_method, rung_idx)[source]

Summarize the output of mcmc_default, i.e. MCMC samples from the D_dt posterior for each lens